To fight against the spread of the coronavirus disease, more than 3 billion people in the world have been confined indoors, with Melbourne being in the height of Lockdown 6 our Inspired team would like to share with you 5 tips to help support your wellbeing during this this emotional rollercoaster.

Tip #1: Feel all your emotions.
Allow yourself permission to feel all the very complex and constant changing emotions that can arise over a day in lockdown. If you have people in your household, talk to them about your feelings and theirs, or pick up the phone and chat to a friend.

Tip #2: Schedule self-care time in your diary.
Book it in the calendar and protect the time. This could be 30 minutes or an hour to do something just for you – meditation, enjoy your garden, exercise, making and eating a delicious meal, reading a book on the couch… Find a time and stick to it.

Tip #3: Turn up the music.
Music (especially upbeat tunes) can lift and help us regulate our emotions. It can also trigger good memories, motivate us to move and influence time perception too. Dance breaks can be great fun for young and old!

Tip #4: Limit the news. 
While keeping up to date is important, it’s also exhausting when there are increases in case numbers and changing restrictions. We find it helpful to limit this some days: We suggest to ask your family and friends to let you know if there are any updates you need to know about, and then give your brain a day off. It works wonders!

Tip #5: Ask for help from people around you, and trusted professionals.
Seek help if you need support to learn strategies to manage, it’s okay not to be okay. If you or anyone you know needs help we recommend the following services; 

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