How many times have you looked at your baby and thought, “I wish I knew what you wanted”

If only your baby could tell you what’s wrong, what hurts, what they want or what they need, wouldn’t it make your life a lot easier? Well now you can!

Our Possums educators have been supporting our children to communicate with baby sign language. Incorporating baby sign language into our daily practices benefits our children in many ways, including;

Signing is about enhancing, not replacing language. Signing must be used alongside normal speech so children can make the link between the gesture and the word. Initially you may feel a little silly signing with your child, but remember it is no different to waving goodbye, giving a high-five or blowing someone a kiss. Over time, and as your child begins to sign back, using key word signs will become part of your natural communication.

Click here to see Alyssa communicate the word please.

We are so incredibly proud of our Possums children who are confidently using sign language to communicate their needs and wants. We hope you find sign language a great resource in your home.

We are so proud of you Alyssa.

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