It is an exciting time when your little one is nearing the age to transition from our Echidnas environment to our Koalas (children aged 18 months – 3 years old). From taking their first steps to self-feeding, it is likely that you will start to see some big changes in your child’s abilities during this time. Even though your child may be growing fast, it is important to note that all children develop at different rates. This is your reminder, to not worry if your child has not reached every developmental milestone just yet, however it is always a good idea to speak to your child’s Maternal Health nurse if you have concerns.That being said, here are some toddler milestones that will give you an idea of what to expect.

These milestones should help you know how well your child is developing and learning. 

Physical Milestones for Toddlers
Physical milestones for toddlers are a combination of gross and fine motor skills, using all parts of the body to be more active and mobile.

Gross Motor Skills
These involve the movement of larger muscle groups, such as the legs, arms and torso. This includes:
Walking and running without tripping
Throwing and catching a large ball
Walking backwards
Being able to climb 

Fine Motor Skills
As you might have guessed, these involve smaller muscle groups like the hands, wrists and fingers, as well as eye coordination. Some fine motor skill milestones you might be able to spot in your child include:
Washing and drying their hands
Dressing themselves
Brushing their teeth
Drawing with a pencil
Turning individual pages of a book
Being able to screw and unscrew jar lid

Communication and Language Milestones
Prior to the age of 18 months, your child’s vocabulary should grow to about 20 – 30 recognisable words, and a child should have a good understanding of what you say, for example, put shoes on, change nappy, brush teeth etc.

Cognitive Milestones
Cognitive milestones are anything that involves learning, problem-solving and thinking in general. 
Some signs of cognitive development include:
Remembering words to songs and rhymes 
Completing age-appropriate puzzles 

Social and Emotional Development
As toddlers develop socially and emotionally, you might see them start to act differently. For example, you may notice that they are demonstrating signs of frustration or empathy, which are some big new emotions. 
Some other milestones you can look out for include:
Getting upset with big changes
Copying people around them
Showing a wider range of emotions

Our Educating team are readily available to assist, discuss and share feedback and ideas to support your child through their toddler developmental stage.

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