During the week of Monday the 23rd of August to Friday 27th of August, 2021 our Inspired children, Educators and families celebrated the wonderful world of books. Book Week is a special time when early education services across Australia join in the celebration of children’s literature. During this time, our Inspired children were encouraged to dress as their favourite book characters and share their favourite story with their friends.

Together our Inspired friends and Educators read many new stories and of course our old school favourites Piranhas don’t eat Bananas, The Gruffalo, Wombat Stew, The Hungry Caterpillar and so many more! Our children engaged in a variety of learning experiences to further develop their understanding of literature. Popular activities included;  searching high and low for Where’s Wally, crossing through the deep cold river as we enjoyed a ‘Bear Hunt’ and creating a delicious and crafty ‘Wombat Stew’.

At Inspired, we truly believe that Book Week is a special time. Book Week celebrates literature and sends a powerful message to our children; reading is important and books are worthy of being cherished and enjoyed with friends, family or snuggled up on your favourite cushion in bed.

Our Inspired team have put together a few reading tips to help you encourage your child’s love of literature: 

Thank you to our Inspired families for sharing a week of literature, dress ups and fun. 🌱

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you’ll go.”— Dr. Seuss

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